Bizarre Japanese toilet alert gadget will tell you when it's time to use the loo
Do you dream of a world where no-one soils themselves?
Anyone wanting to predict their toilet-times needs to strap a sensor on their tummy and connect it to an iPhone app.
"We have detected activity in your intestines," the app says when it detects some action inside its owner.
The user then has 10 minutes or so to find a toilet
Whilst most people have their own built-in wee-wee warning systems, the app is aimed at elderly people who need a bit of a heads-up before toilet time comes around.
The app also logs a person's loo visits, using the data to better predict the rhythms of their innards.
Triple W has moved its business to Silicon Valley to pursue the dream of creating an accident-free world.
Rumblings: This device senses what's going on inside your body
The firm will seek crowdfunding support later this year and expects to release the D Free at a price of about $50 in December 2015.