The last fashion cookout edition was a smashing cracker, we nailed it big time. Come May 1stat the rooftop, Mega Plaza car park, we’ll be raising the bar once again on this platform for food and fashion vendors.

It was yet another fun day for all guests and vendors; People trooped in from 1pm. fashion cookout party went on till lights out. Vendors sold, guests bought, we networked, relaxed, ate and partied hard.

The biggest daytime party is here again to feed your crave... Don’t miss it; bring your family and friends; it’s a holiday!!!

So, come out let’s shop AND PARTY!!!!!!!.
Book your stalls now.
Venue: rooftop mega plaza car park, 12 idowu martins street v.i. lagos.
Date: May 1st 2016
Time: 1PM
Entry: Free
For sponsorships, stall bookings and enquiries,
Call Desile Pro on: 08056969944, 09103829988.
Email: TheFashionCookout@gmail.com
Website: www.fashioncookout.com
Instagram: @Thefashioncookout @Desile_Pro
@Ntycelagos @Oladippo
Interested artistes and runway models should contact us on the details above
Fashion cookout is powered by Ciroc Nigeria