Meet the 100 year old Grandma who modeled for Vogue magazine

100 year old Marjorie Gilbert, a senior citizen from Aberdare is the first 100 year old model in Vogue magazine.

Gilbert who was in the cardboard box-making business before she retired got an invite to take part in a high profile shoot for a new Harvey Nichols campaign. Dressed in Valentino glasses, a Dries Van Noten coat, The Row pants and a Victoria Beckham top, 'Bo' as she's known - was photographed by Dazed and Confused co-founder Phil Poynter, making her Vogue's first ever centenarian model to pose for its pages
Gilbert who was thrilled by the photoshoot said:

"I do things I think a lot of people wouldn't at my age and I've always liked to keep myself looking quite decent, even if I'm not going out," says Bo

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